New Spark Media Platform Help

Learn how to create channels, events, groups and collections, as well as how to use each to organize your users and content.

Adding a new page to an application

Applications have a certain number of default pages such as home, gallery, enter and so on. You can add pages to your applications.

Note: The default pages depend on the application installed.

Adding a new page to an application:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications> Applications.
  2. On the Applications read more »

    Tagged: pages applications

Adding Advertisements

Adding advertisements is a simple process in Media Factory. By default the ad boxes are red with company written inside.

Adding Graphics Using Media Factory

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Assets.
  2. On the Asset Manager read more »

    Tagged: ads advertising advertise advertisments

Backing Up and Restoring

It is recommended that you maintain two applications in each project: a live application and a staging application. The staging application is only used for testing purposes and the live application is linked to the live URL.

Note: The staging application is usually in the format of

Backing Up Applications

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Changing Favicon

You can change the default favicon used for an application.

To change the favicon:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Assets.
  2. On the Asset Manager page, upload the favicon.

Note: Organizing files with folders will be helpful in the future.

  1. Copy the absolute URL of the read more »
Changing the Maximum Upload Size

The maximum file size that you can upload to Media Factory is 1GB (1000MB); however, for some applications, the file size limit is set to 500MB. You may want to lower the file size accepted by some applications depending on the purpose of the content.

To change the maximum upload size:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  2. read more »
Configuring Email Templates

Configure emails for outbound communication including standard registration, moderation, lost password emails, or create your own template.

Configuring Outbound Email

As part of your overall setup across projects and applications, you must indicate whether you want emails to be sent to your website’s user base. You have the following options when configuring read more »

Creating and Editing Custom Transcoder profiles

Transcoder profiles allow you to export or display user media in custom sizes, formats and quality.

Three sections of Media Factory play a part in creating and implementing new transcoder profiles:

  1. Creating a new transcoder: Settings>Media Transcoder
  2. Seeing the new transcoder profile: Media>Media> Select a Media item>Embed read more »
Editing password length

You can edit the password length and username information by editing the fmValidateForm.js.

To edit the password length:

  1. Make a .js document with the following code:
  2. Edit the password length read more »
Editing registration form

You can edit fields in a form to be required or optional. Also, using Media Factory, you can add or remove fields.

To removing pre-existing fields:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  2. On the Applications read more »
Forms of Documentation

Developer Documentation:

This is an excellent resource for documentation about the platform:

Platform Status:

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Providing/Implementing Graphics

Graphics are generally provided by a client or a third-party agency. Depending of the Statement of Work, the client or the third party can provide a PSD with the graphics for Filemobile to implement or they can implement them.

Dimensions and instructions are found here:

  1. Design section of the read more »
Setting Template Options

Many different options exist to display templates in Wrapper, Application and Email templates.

Setting Wrapper Template Options

Wrapper templates apply to the various pages across a project. There are also generic wrapper templates for emails that apply across emails.

Note: Each project comes with default wrapper templates.

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Setting up domain multiple language domains

If your website supports multiple languages, you can set up multiple language domains.

Setting up a Domain:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  2. On the Applications page, s elect an application.
  3. Under Sections, click  Settings.
  4. Under Application Settings, in New domain field, read more »
Setting Up Language-based Stylesheets

You can use <fm:Switch> to call a specific language stylesheet.

To set up a language-based stylesheet

  1. From the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  2. On the Applications page, select an application.
  3. Under Sections, click Translation.
  1. Under Categories, click read more »

    Tagged: language

Setting up Meta data

You can use metadata in the following Application templates: upload.html, enter.html, login.html or fbprofile.html.

To set up metadata:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  2. On the Applications page, select an application.
  3. Under Sections, click Application templates.
  4. Click one of the read more »
Setting up report emails

Report emails are sent to moderators when comments are reported. The report button is located on the media item’s page on your website. The report button is used for the following reasons:

  1. Offensive (obscene, rude, NSFW)
  2. Spam (ads, self-promotion)
  3. Off topic (trolling)

To setting up report emails:

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Setting up share functions

Media Factory has many options to share posts and submissions to other platforms such as Facebook Share, Facebook Like, Twitter, Google+, Send an email to friend and Stumbleupon. This increases the potential for a wider marketing campaign.  These share functions are found on a website’s entry page.

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Uploading Files in Batches to Assets

You can upload files in two different ways. From the Navigation bar, you can select Media>Upload for user related content or you can select Application>Assets for website graphics and files (such as .js files). However, when using Media Factory, you can only upload one file at a time to read more »

Using the Translation Tool

You can use the Translation tool to add or edit copy in your application. Media Factory offers support for many different languages to simplify the translation process.

Accessing the Translation page:

  1. In Media Factory, from the drop-down list in the left-hand corner under the Media Factory logo, select a project.
  2. In the Navigation bar, read more »
Working with cache

Caching stores data for future request so that the site will load quicker. In Media Factory, you can control whether a page is cached or not.

Note: Depending on your browser, you may want to clear the cache after you update a template so that the template changes appear on the website pages.

To control caching:

  1. In the Navigation read more »

    Tagged: cache performance caching