1. Prerequisites

Our SDK is written in Java and is compatible with API 14+.

It uses Google's support for some classes and adding the SDK will automatically add the dependency to your app:

  • com.android.support:support-compat

Note that the SDK will work even if the device doesn't have Google PlayServices.

We currently don't offer compatibility with NDK or cross-platform environnements (like Unity, Cordova or AIR) and don't support Eclipse (ant build tools).

2. Integrate the SDK


The SDK only requires the INTERNET permission. It will add it automatically to your manifest if you don't have it already.

Integrate in your app

1. Add Newzulu nexus repository:

Add the following lines at the root of your app's build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven { url "https://nexus.octiplex.com/content/repositories/public" }

2. Add dependency to platform sdk:

You can now add the dependency to Newzulu Platform SDK to your app:

dependencies {

    compile 'com.newzulu:platform:1.1'

Proguard users

Currently we don't have any custom proguard rules but if it changes in the future it will be listed here.

3. Setup the SDK

Get your server information

The first step is to get your Newzulu Platform server information.

You'll need:

  • The server region you want to use: It can be North America (mediafactory.fm), Europe (eu.mediafactory.fm) or Australia (au.mediafactory.fm).
  • The vhost of your project. You can find it easily looking at your dashboard url: https://eu.mediafactory.fm/dashboard?vid=98 means your vhost is 98.

Please contact us if you're having difficulties finding those information.

Create the PlatformClient

The SDK is easy to use: you only have one single object that deals with all your queries: PlatformClient.

This object needs to be instantiated only once per connection, so you are likely to use it directly into your Application class as a singleton.

Here's how to start the SDK:

public class YourApplication extends Application
    private PlatformClient mPlatformClient;

    public void onCreate()

        mPlatformClient = new PlatformClient(new Host(YOUR_DOMAIN, YOUR_VHOST_ID));

    public PlatformClient getPlatformClient()
        return mPlatformClient;

You only have to replace:

  • YOUR_DOMAIN by the actual domain you want to use. One of the flavors Domain.EU, Domain.AU and Domain.NA.
  • YOUR_VHOST_ID by your vhost.

That's it, you are ready to retrieve your content right from your app.

Next steps