Voting settings allow you to specify how frequent a user can vote on an entry. By default none of the options are selected, and you MUST select one of them in order to allow users to vote successfully. The latest version of the contest introduces a new workflow that makes it easier for users to vote by simplifying the registration process for voters.
Download Vote Lite information PDF
Below is a table describing the various voting styles available to you:
Voting Style | Description |
Multiple times per media item, once every day | A user may vote multiple times for an entry but this is restricted to only one vote per day. |
Multiple times per media item, once every hour | A user may vote multiple times for an entry but this is restricted to only one vote per hour. |
Once per media item | A user can vote only once per entry throughout the voting phase. |
Anonymous voting with reCaptcha | A user can vote anonymously and multiple times for an entry. But everytime they have to enter a reCaptcha to to ensure that the vote is generated by a real person. No user login is required for this style. If you require this type of voting, you will need to contact |