Facebook Setup

If you want to use Facebook Login in the UGC Contest, you'll have to first create a Facebook Application.

  1. Login to the Facebook developer section and create a new application.

  2. You should arrive in the Settings > Basic section, where you can edit your app icon and name. These elements show up when users login to your site with Facebook for the first time.

  3. In the Website section below, enter the public URL of your UGC Contest website. If you have more than one URL, you'll need multiple Facebook Apps for login.
  4. Copy the App ID and App Secret keys and paste them into your UGC Contest application settings. See Responding Domains above.
  5. Go to the Setting > Advanced section and make sure that you have a support email entered. This is a Facebook requirement.

Tip: You'll need to modify this Facebook application with your live URLs!

When a user submits an entry or adds a comment, they are prompted to add it to Facebook. You can change the default text that appears in the "entry" category of the Translator.

facebookApp on Filemobile's UGC ContestThe text that comes after the title when submitting a new entry.
facebookCaptionComment onWhen submitting a comment, this goes next to the title of the media the user is commenting on.
facebookCommentYour Facebook comment isWhen adding a new comment
facebookEventuploadedThe text that comes before the entry title when uploading.

Tip: Create a Facebook alter-ego for testing

You are going to be testing the behaviour and copy of messages shared to Facebook. In order to avoid annoying your friends and spoiling the surprise for your sponsor, create a second or third Facebook account. Connect your alter-egos so you can see what the feed messages will look like.


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